Event Details
- Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
- Via Zoom
- $30 fee/person
Lectio Prayer Group
Sept. 9 | Oct. 14 | Nov. 11 | Dec. 9, 2024
Engaging with the Living Word of God
How do we draw closer to God amidst the challenges of modern life?
The ancient prayer practice of lectio divina, enhanced with guidance from St. Ignatius’ teachings, can help us discover how God is speaking to us today, in our daily life. We listen deeply to God’s Word, we have the opportunity to share what God is saying to us, what we are feeling and experiencing, and we pray for the specific grace we seek.
Manresa’s Lectio Prayer Group provides a way to grow in our journey to finding God in all things. Consider joining us.
Facilitators: Paula Dow and Kay Dodson completed Manresa’s Internship in Ignatian Spirituality. They are both experienced in leading lectio divina.
*Registered participants will receive an email reminder prior to each meeting with a Zoom link to connect to the meeting.
Online registration is closed. Please call the front office at 248-644-4933 Ext. 0.