Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Silent retreat for women in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola and under the patronage of Fr. Frederick A. Harkins, SJ. All women are welcome. For more information, contact […]
Embracing Soul Care This weekend retreat in the tradition of St. Ignatius welcomes men and women from parishes in the metro Detroit area. Your time with us includes daily presentations […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Silent Retreat for Spanish-speaking men & women based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ | Retreat Theme: Eucharist and Transformation | Retreat […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Every summer we reserve dedicated sessions for Individually Directed Retreats (IDRs) with the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Jesuit or trained lay person. The experience can help you slow […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Silent retreat for women in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: Sr. Mary Ward, IBVM | Retreat Theme: Wisdom from the Mystics | Retreat Format: Silence | Directors: […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Every summer we reserve dedicated sessions for Individually Directed Retreats (IDRs) with the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Jesuit or trained lay person. The experience can help you slow […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Silent retreat in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Deacon John and Laura Manera, sharing personal lived experiences and useful everyday practices, will guide couples in the discovery of […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Silent retreat for men in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: Fr. Jack Schuett, SJ | Retreat Theme: A Simple Kit of Spiritual Tools: Is it odd or […]
Manresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States
Every summer we reserve dedicated sessions for Individually Directed Retreats (IDRs) with the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Jesuit or trained lay person. The experience can help you slow […]