Jan. 21 | Feb. 4, 18 | Mar. 4, 18 | Apr. 1, 15 The experience of sin and grace is among the most fundamental concepts of all humanity and, in particular, the Christian faith. In both Romans and Galatians, the apostle Paul emphasizes that salvation comes through God’s grace and not by following the […]
Silent retreat for men and women in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: St. Peter Canisius, SJ Theme: To Know Christ Jesus Format: Silent Director: Fr. Peter Fennessy, SJ Groups: St. Frances Cabrini; St. Hugo You do not have to be a member of the groups listed above to attend this retreat. All men and women are welcome. For […]
Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 | May 5, 12, 19, 26 Christian Yoga is a form of prayer in which we place ourselves in a position to be present in the moment with God, with a focus on breath. As we move through postures accompanied by meditative quiet and prayer, we find balance, strength and […]
Jan. 28 | Feb. 11, 25 | Mar. 11, 25 | Apr. 8, 22 During our second semester, we will continue to look at and pray about the life of Christ as painted by the French artist James Tissot (1836-1902). After a powerful religious experience in 1885 Tissot abandoned the lifestyle and art genres that […]
Silent retreat for men in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: St. Gabriel Lalemant, SJ Theme: Palm Sunday Format: Silent Director: Fr. Robert Scullin, SJ For more information, contact a captain: James Guisinger-248.792.6758, Mark Karwaski-248.894.6693, Kurt Olzmann-248.650.9525.
Jan. 13 | Feb. 10 | Mar. 10 | Apr. 14 | May 12 | June 9 Engaging with the Living Word of God How do we draw closer to God amidst the challenges of modern life? The ancient prayer practice of lectio divina, enhanced with guidance from St. Ignatius’ teachings, can help us discover […]
Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 | May 5, 12, 19, 26 Christian Yoga is a form of prayer in which we place ourselves in a position to be present in the moment with God, with a focus on breath. As we move through postures accompanied by meditative quiet and prayer, we find balance, strength and […]
Jan. 21 | Feb. 4, 18 | Mar. 4, 18 | Apr. 1, 15 The experience of sin and grace is among the most fundamental concepts of all humanity and, in particular, the Christian faith. In both Romans and Galatians, the apostle Paul emphasizes that salvation comes through God’s grace and not by following the […]
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025 Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025 Thursday, Mar. 27, 2025 Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2025 Thursday, May 29, 2025 Step away from the cares of your world for a wonderful day of peace and quiet. What could be better than a day all to yourself? A day to do something good for your soul. […]
Silent retreat for men and women in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: Fr. Pierre Teilard de Chardin, SJ Theme: Holy Week Format: Silent Director: Fr. Bob Ytsen, SJ Note: No lunch on Saturday For more information, contact a captain: Stephen Dunn-248.643.8130, Michael S. Green-517.719.5511, Thomas P. Howe-248.229.4370.
Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 | May 5, 12, 19, 26 Christian Yoga is a form of prayer in which we place ourselves in a position to be present in the moment with God, with a focus on breath. As we move through postures accompanied by meditative quiet and prayer, we find balance, strength and […]
Jan. 28 | Feb. 11, 25 | Mar. 11, 25 | Apr. 8, 22 During our second semester, we will continue to look at and pray about the life of Christ as painted by the French artist James Tissot (1836-1902). After a powerful religious experience in 1885 Tissot abandoned the lifestyle and art genres that […]
Silent retreat for men in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: Our Lady of the Way Theme: To Know Christ Jesus Format: Silent Director: Fr. Peter Fennessy, SJ Groups: Men of Manresa; Gaylord; Mt. Pleasant; Detroit Police & Fire Fighters; St. Mary Magdalen You do not have to be a member of the groups listed above in […]
Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28 | May 5, 12, 19, 26 Christian Yoga is a form of prayer in which we place ourselves in a position to be present in the moment with God, with a focus on breath. As we move through postures accompanied by meditative quiet and prayer, we find balance, strength and […]
Silent retreat for men and women in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola The Christian Meditation Retreat offers the experience of meditation, the opportunity to better understand our growth in the Christ-life and instruction on how meditation helps us be transformed in Christ. Talks will draw upon the Scriptures and the specific form of […]
23 de febrero | 16 de marzo | 4 de mayo Pasa una tarde en Manresa percibiendo, reflexionando y meditando sobre temas de la espiritualidad ignaciana. Tendrás la oportunidad para practicar el silencio y la oración individual y con otros, disfrutando de la belleza de nuestros jardines, capillas e instalaciones. Cada sesión es facilitada por […]