Every summer we reserve dedicated sessions for Individually Directed Retreats (IDRs) with the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a Jesuit or trained lay person. The experience can help you slow down, become more aware of God’s love and presence in your life, and help deepen a loving relationship with God. There’s a special atmosphere in […]
Silent retreat for men and women in traditional marriages in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: St. Ignatius of Loyola | Retreat Theme: TBD | Retreat Format: TBD | Directors: TBD
Silent retreat for men in recovery in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola Patron: Fr. Jack Schuett, SJ | Retreat Theme: TBD | Retreat Format: TBD | Director: TBD For more information, contact a captain: Don B.-248.613.7575, Tom D.-586.873.2712, Frank F.-313.204.2214, Robert H.-248.202.3275, Bob S.-313.378.6323, Jim V.-313.205.0071.