Father Romualdo Galdos, SJ



Father Romualdo Galdos, SJ on a Spanish cancel
SPAIN, 1985, show cancel for the centenary of his birth

Romualdo Galdos was born in Éibar, Guipúzcoa, in the Basque Country of Spain on February 7, 1885 and died there December 27, 1953. He entered the Jesuits November 13, 1904 in Carrión de los Condes, did his studies in Burgos, at the Colegio Máximo de Oña, and spent time as professor and director of music at the sanctuary of Loyola. When the Jesuits were suppressed in Spain in 1932 the Colegio Máximo was moved to Marneffe in Belgium and Romualdo went with it. He also taught at the Gregorian University in Rome. His field was principally sacred theology. He authored, among other things, A Commentary on the Book of Tobit (1930) and The Hundred Major Poems of the Bible (1942), and translated The Book of Psalms (1933), Miscellanea of Maldonado (1934), Hruby's The Gospel and the Evangelists (1935), Bigazzi's Life of Jorge Campero (1943) Suarez's Mysteries of the Life of Christ (1948), and de Paz's Mary, Queen of the Church (1953). Fr. Galdos was honored by his countrymen with this show cancel at Eibar in the Basque Country of Spain.