Father György Káldi, SJ
Translator of the Scriptures



Father György Káldi, SJ on Hungary Scott 493 Father György Káldi, SJ on Hungary Scott 496 Father György Káldi, SJ on Hungary Scott 497
HUNGARY, 1935, the tercentenary of the university in Budapest, Scott 493, 496-7
Cardinal Pázmány at the signing of the charter of the university in Tyrnau (1635), on the left stands Fr. Káldi, SJ
after an 1885 painting by Austria artist Hans Temple (1857-1931) in the office of the dean of the Theology Faculty of the University in Budapest

On May 7, 1598 Káldi entered the Society of Jesus. He was a canon capitular in Esztergom, professor of moral theology in Olomouc, novice master in Brunn and Leoben, rector in Trnava, as well as rector in the Jesuit college in Pressburg. His greatest contribution is the translation of the Bible into Hungarian done in Trnava where he was born. This Bible, the Szent Biblia, was published at Vienna in 1626, the first complete translation of the Catholic Bible into Hungarian, and it was in use down to the current century. He also wrote a Lectionary of Gospels and Epistles for Sundays and Feast Days of the Church Year (1635). Many volumes of his sermons have also been preserved.