Saint Ignatius Loyola, SJ
Founder of the Society of Jesus

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Saint Ignatius Loyola on Philippines Scott 810 Saint Ignatius Loyola on Philippines Scott 811
1959, the centenary of the Ateneo of Manila, Scott 810-811
based on a statue at the Ateneo of Manila of Ignatius at his vigil of arms;
the coat of arms immediately behind him is that of the Loyola family

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Philippines Scott  1533  Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Philippines stamp Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Philippines stamp
THE PHILIPPINES, 1981, the 4th centenary of the Jesuits' arrival in the Philippines, from a souvenir sheet, Scott 1533
THE PHILIPPINES, 2008, stamp for the 60th anniversary of the Ateneo de Davao University
THE PHILIPPINES, 2009, stamp for the 150th anniversary of the Ateneo de Manila

Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Philippines sheet
2008, souvenir sheet for the 60th anniversary of the Ateneo de Davao University

Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Philippines stampSpain Scott 2653 Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Panama cancel
This painting by an unknown master shows Ignatius to the left of Mary and Francis Xavier to the right.
, 1991, the 5th centenary of Ignatius' birth, Scott 2653 and its FDI cancel
This stamp shows Ignatius' sanctuary at Loyola, his biretta, signature, seal, the IHS monogram,
the motto Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God), and in the heavens the all-seeing eye of God
Scott 753  Scott 901F
PANAMA, 1988, Christmas issue, Scott 753
This painting by an unknown master shows the Virgin with Ignatius to the left and Xavier to the right.
BOLIVIA, 1993 Christmas issue, Xavier is at the bottom right in this painting of the Virgin and Child with Saints, Scott 901F.
This stamp also appears
imperforate on the souvenir sheet below.

Michel B211
BOLIVIA, 1994, Xavier and Ignatius stamp (Scott 901F) on this special sheet [Michel B211]

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Panama Scott 786   Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Panama cancel
PANAMA, 1991, the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ignatius and the 450th of the Jesuits, Scott 7865
showing a stained glass window in the Cathedral of the Assumption in Panama City, and its FDI cancel showing his seal as general superior

 Saint Ignatius Loyola on Zambia Scott  556   Saint Ignatius Loyola on Zambia Scott 1066
ZAMBIA, 1991, the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ignatius, Scott 556
ZAMBIA, 2005, the 100th anniversary of the Jesuits in Zambia, Scott 1066

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Venezuela Scott 1445
VENEZUELA, 1991, the 5th centenary of Ignatius' birth, Scott 1445a-d
(a) an 11th-century statue of Our Lady of Montserrat, (b) an 18th-century statue of Ignatius by Francesco de Vagara
(c) Ignatius' death mask, and (a) the Jesuit Residence at the Colegio San Ignacio in Caracas

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Liechtenstein Scott 957 Saint Ignatius Loyola on Malta Scott  771
LIECHTENSTEIN, 1991, the 5th centenary of Ignatius' birth, Scott 957
MALTA, 1991, the 5th centenary of Ignatius' birth, Scott 771;
the image is based on a line engraving (ca. 1835-1860)
by Marco Alvise Pitteri at the National Portrait Gallery in London.

Guido Reni's Madonna of the Rosary, detail Saint Ignatius Loyola on Niue Scott 664
NIUE, 1993, Scott 664

In 1993 Niue chose for its Christmas issue Guido Reni's painting Madonna of the Rosary, a processional banner used to ward off plague from the city of Bologna. Besides the Madonna and Child, the painting pictured the seven protectors of the city. And even though Ignatius and Xavier had been canonized only in 1622, they had already been adopted as patrons by the city in time to be included in this 1630 painting. This stamp focuses on St. Florian (pointing) and St. Proculus, and includes only the hand and chest of Ignatius, who may be better seen in the detail from the painting above or from the painting itself.

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Chile Scott 1040  Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Chilean cancel
, 1993, the 4th centenary of the arrival of Jesuits in that country, from a souvenir sheet, Scott 1040, and its FDI cancel
Ignatius' image is after a statue of J. Flotats in the house chapel of the Jesuit residence in Santiago, Chile.

Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Paraguay stamp Saint Ignatius Loyola on Brazil Scott 2885
, 2003, St. Ignatius and the ruins of the Trinity Mission from a se-tenant strip
BRAZIL, 2003, the centenary of St. Ignatius College in Rio pictures a statue of the saint, Scott 2885

Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Belgian  personalized  label Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Belgian  personalized  label Saint Ignatius Loyola on a Belgian  personalized  label 
BELGIUM, 2004-2007, three personalized labels, creation of Fr. Roland Francart, SJ, two se-tenant with Scott 2111
The image is from an anonymous Flemish portrait of Ignatius in the possession of the south Belgian Province, probably painted between 1598 and 1600.

Saint Ignatius Loyola on Uruguay Scott 1117
, 2005, the 125th anniversary of the Colegio Seminario in Montevideo, Scott 1117
The image of Ignatius by an alumnus of the school, the nationally known José Luis Zorrilla de San Martín.