Father Manuel Garcia Nieto, SJ
Father of the Poor



 Father Manuel Garcia Nieto, SJ on a Spanish cinderella
Spanish, 1994, the 100th of the birth of Fr. Manuel Garcia Nieto, SJ

Manuel Garcia Nieto was born April 5, 1894 in Macotera, a town of Salamanca, and died in Comillas April 13, 1974, with a reputation for sanctity. He has been designated a servant of God and his cause has been introduced for beatification. He was ordained in 1920, entered the Jesuits in 1926. His only appointment was the University of Comillas (1929-1969) where he was spiritual father and professor of pastoral and spiritual theology. The people of Comillas called him "Father of the Poor" whom he aided in many ways. He founded the Escuela de Pescadores for their basic education.