Xavier College, Melbourne, Victoria
AUSTRALIA, 1978, special cancel for the centenary of Xavier College, Kew, Victoria
AUSTRALIA, 2006, personalized label se-tenant with an Australian stamp, Scott 2426
sponsored by Xavier College, Melbourne, Victoria
to celebrate the Three Companions Jubilee of 2006
The history of the Jesuits in Australia began when two Jesuits from Austria set foot in Adelaide in 1848. Xavier College began to be built in 1872 at Mornane's Paddock at Kew, its present site. The school opened on Sunday 10 February 1878. To celebrate the triple Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier and Faber, Xavier College in Melbourne personalized this label showing the dome of the Memorial Chapel and a statue of Xavier from the college's Senior Campus on Barker Road. In the background on the right hand side the West Wing of the school may be seen, and on the left a second image of St. Francis Xavier.