Saint Peter Canisius, SJ
Second Apostle of Germany



Canisius on Austria Scott 1722 Canisius on cinderella
, 1997, 4th centenary of the death of Canisius, Scott 1722
ITALY, 1887, a cinderella for the tercentenary of Canisius' death.

Born in Nijmegen in the Netherlands, Peter Canisius during his studies in Cologne came into contact with Peter Faber, SJ, one of the original founders of the Society of Jesus, and was moved to enter the Jesuits. He went to Germany at the request of Pope Paul III to defend the Catholic Church there against the reformers. Through preaching, teaching, and writing, especially through his catechism, he strengthened Catholic faith in those regions. He was canonized and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1925.

Canisius on special cancel Canisius on special cancel Canisius on special cancel
AUSTRIA, 1989, show cancel for the 25th anniversary of the diocese of Innsbruck
1991, show cancel for the 450th anniversary of the Jesuits and the 500th of Ignatius' birth
1997, FDI show stamp for Scott 1722

Canisius on special cancel Canisius on special cancel
AUSTRIA, 1997, for the 4th centenary of the death of St. Peter Canisius, SJ

Canisius on special cancel
AUSTRIA, 2005, show cancel for the 80th anniversary of the canonization of Canisius
Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, sent Canisius to Straubing in 1558 since there was no priest there. Canisius had his residence there in the Carmelite cloister and offered services at the Carmel chapel and the Basilica of St. James three to four times a week. In this special cancel Canisius is shown preaching before the gates of Straubing to the citizens of the city, an image from a 1903 stained glass window in the Basilica of St. James.