The First Companions
of the Society of Jesus



First Companions on a Belgium personalized label
BELGIUM, 2006, a personalized label, for the 2006 Jesuit Jubilee Year, a label se-tenant with Scott 2111
the creation of Fr. Roland Francart, SJ
featuring Konrad Baumeister's 1881 painting of the first vows at Montmartre

On the Feast of the Annunciation, 25 March 1534, Ignatius and his first companions went to the hill of Montmartre north of the city and pronounced private vows in a small chapel dedicated to Our Lady. Peter Faber, who was the only one ordained among them celebrated the Mass. They vowed poverty, chastity, and a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to convert infidels. When the pilgrimage proved not possible they went to Rome instead and put themselves at the disposal of the Pope to go wherever he judged they could be best used.

Baumeister's painting of teh First Companions at Montmatre
Baumeister's painting features
Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Peter Faber, James Laínez, Simon Rodrigues, Alfonso Salmerón, Nicholás Bobadilla