Br. Roland Francart, SJ
(1945-    )
Apostle of Christian Comics



Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized French l Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Australian l
FRANCE, 2004, personalized label
AUSTRALIA, 2008, celebrating the Papal visit for World Youth Day

Br. Roland Francart, SJ entered the Society of Jesus in 1963. He teaches geography and religion at Collège Saint-Michel in Brussels. But he is also an apostle in a medium for evangelization that reaches the very young, as well as all other ages: the comic strip (bande dessinée or BD, fumetti, historieta, manga, etc.). On 20 June 1985, the eve of an exposition at the Abbey of Maredsous celebrating the 45th anniversary of Christian Comics, he founded the Centre Religieux d'Information et d'Analyse de la Bande Dessinée (CRIABD), which he currently directs. He has written a book, The Christian Comic Strip, published 40 issues of Coccinelle, the Comic Strip to God (1985-1994), and since 1998 many issues of Gabriel, as well as being the editor of Philabulle, a newsletter for those interested in comic strips and philately. Francart is a member of the Media Commission of the Southern Belgian Province of the Society of Jesus, the Interdiocesan Office of Culture, the Ecumenical Jury of Comic Strips (awarding the Human Values Prize) and an advisor for the Prize for the Best Christian Comic Strip in French. For the amusement of his students and his own delight he has designed many personalized labels, including those below which feature himself.

Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized label with Belgium Scott 1918K
BELGIUM, Scott 1918K
Brother showing us issues of Philabulle which he edits
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium label
BELGIUM, Scott 2011
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
BELGIUM, Francart with Australian cousins, Scott 2011
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
BELGIUM, Scott 2011
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
BELGIUM, Scott 2011
Francart and Sr. Hélène Groslot, of the Sisters of Providence of Champion, doing clown ministry with the handicapped
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
BELGIUM, 2006, Scott 2188
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
with (left) Jozef Peeters, a collaborator for the
Encyclopédie mondiale de la BD chrétienne, and (center) Thierry Marguenot, a collaborator for Philabulle
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Belgium l
(L to R) Francart in Australian hat, Hélène Meuter, collector of
BD stamps, Dodo Nita, of CRIABD in Romania,Thierry Marguenot
Br. Roland Francart, SJ on personalized Netherlands l
NETHERLANDS, 2003, Scott 1147j
Francart and Thierry Marguenot