Pope Francis
(1936 -    )
Jesuit Pope
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 VATICAN CITY, 19 March 2013, special cover and cancel for Pope Francis'  installation 
VATICAN CITY, 19 March 2013, special cover and cancel for his installation

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 17 December 1936, one of five children and the son of Italian immigrants, Mario Bergoglio and Regina Sivori. He graduated as a chemical technician and entered first the diocesan seminary, and in 1958 the novitiate of the Society of Jesus. After more or less the usual Jesuit course of studies he was ordained a priest on 13 December 1969 and took his final vows in the Society on 22 April 1973. Back in Argentina, he had many assignments within the Society, among them master of novices, theology professor, rector of the Colegio Máximo, and provincial of the Jesuits in Argentina. Eventually he was named archbishop of Buenos Aires, cardinal, and on 13 March 2013 was the first Jesuit to be elected Pope. A more detail biography can be found on the Vatican website.

Items were imprinted Franciscum Pont. Max. (Francis Pontifex Maximus) by the Vatican Philatelic Office.
VATICAN CITY, on 13 March 2013 some of these items were imprinted Franciscum Pont. Max. (Francis Pontifex Maximus) by the Vatican Philatelic Office.
They are philatelic certificates of participation in the restoration of the colonnade of St. Peter's Square in the Vatican,
available in two versions: one bearing Officium Philatelicum et Nomismaticum, the other personalized with the name of the person participating in the restoration. More

Vatican cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis  Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis
The first two cancels do not mention the Pope's name and so could have been designed at any time.
VATICAN CITY, 13 March 2013, Habemus Papam: we have a Pope
13 March 2013, special Roma Filatelico cancel
ITALY, 15 March 2013, special Roma Filatelico cancel

SPAIN, 13 March 2013, postal card to honor Pope Francis' election
SPAIN, 13 March 2013, postal card to honor his election

Croatia postal card honoring Pope Francis Croatia postal card honoring Pope Francis
CROATIA, 13 March 2013 postal card announcing the election of Pope Francis
and a 19 March 2013 postal card celebrating his installation

Argential cancel honoring Pope Francis German  cancel honoring Pope Francis Vatican  cancel honoring Pope Francis Vatican  cancel honoring Pope Francis
19 March 2013
GERMANY, 19 March 2013 showing Pope Francis in the pulpit
19 March 2013, special cancel for the formal inauguration of his ministry
25 March 2013, special cancel for his meeting with Pope Emeritus Benedict

Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis  Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis Italian cancel honoring Pope Francis
ITALY, 2013, special cancels in honor of Pope Francis from various philatelic societies

Pope Francis on sheet from Central Africa  Pope Francis on sheet from Central Africa
25 March 2013, mini-sheet and souvenir sheet, Scott 3898-3899

Pope Francis on sheet from Guinea Bissau Pope Francis on sheet from Guinea Bissau
25 March 2013, souvenir sheet and mini-sheet