Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, SJ |
CHILE, 1994, Hurtado's beatification, Scott 1126, and FDI cancel
CHILE, 2005, his canonization, Scott 1452, and FDI cancel
The church behind Hurtado is his church, Jesús Obrero, built on the grounds
of El Hogar de Cristo.
Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga was born in Viña del Mar, Chile, to an impoverished family and he worked with the poor even as a teenager. He earned a scholarship to the Jesuit college in Santiago, and entered the Jesuits in 1923, studied in Chile and Europe, and on his return taught in the university and gave retreats. He was national director for Catholic Action, founded El Hogar de Cristo to provide homes, not just housing, for homeless children in Santiago. The project expanded to include hospices for men and women, rehabilitation centers, trade schools, and homes for the aged. It is still a major social service in Chile. Hurtado wrote to spread Catholic social teaching. He died of cancer in 1952, and was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1994. His feast is kept on August 18. Today the Jesuit Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago, Chile is named in his honor. Father Hurtado was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on 23 October 2005. More
CHILE, 2001, the centenary of Hurtado's birth, Scott 1354-1355
BELGIUM, 2006, two personalized labels, creations of Fr. Roland Francart, SJ, Belgium,
for the Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier, and Faber,
showing them with St. Alberto Hurtado, the seal of the Society and a logo of the Jubilee,
one se-tenant with Scott 2111, the second se-tenant with a 2007 stamp
CHILE, from Hurtado in the Coquimbo Region, some 400 kilometers north of Santiago.
CHILE, 1994, postmarks from Padre Hurtado, a city of about 34,000 inhabitants in the Talagante Province, in the Santiago Metropolitan Region.