Francis Xavier, SJ (1506-1552) page 2 of 3 |
PORTUGUESE INDIA in 1946 issued a series of postal cards, four showing
Xavier's tomb, H&G 42-43
Two cards are on beige stock, two on gray; two carry a 9rs stamp featuring the
arch of the viceroys
and two a 7rs stamp featuring St. John de Brito,
as above, H&G 42a
PORTUGAL, postal card 48 from the "Know your history" series
shows Xavier in India.
PORTUGUESE INDIA , Scott 517-519, MACAO, Scott 365-367, and PORTUGUESE TIMOR, Scott 272-4
1952, the 4th centenary of his death showing his statue on an alms box, the reliquary of his arm and his tomb.
PORTUGUESE INDIA, 1952, souvenir sheets for the 4th centenary of Xavier's
death, Scott 520-521
based on the Bom Gesu portrait of Xavier
MACAO, 1951, dark brown and reddish brown, Scott 354 and 357
PORTUGUESE INDIA, 1946, black & gray, Scott 464, issued on a mini-sheet of 8 with John de Brito
1948, dark green & yellow green, Scott 476, issued on a mini-sheet of 5
and 1952, dark violet & black, Scott 523, issued as part of a tête-bêche
pair with label (below)
PORTUGUESE INDIA, 1952, to publicize Portuguese India's first stamp exhibition,
Scott 523a
PORTUGUESE INDIA, 1952, Scott 479a
COLOMBIA, 1968, the 39th Eucharistic Congress in Bogotá, Scott C503
based on Gregorio Vasquez's painting of Xavier preaching
INDIA, 1974, showing the sarcophagus and statue of the saint, Scott 647,
and its FDI cover and cancels
Xavier's sarcophagus crowns a marble monument, the gift of Cosmo III of Tuscany
and executed by J.B.Foggini.
MACAO, 1989, a mini-sheet honoring
Portuguese influence in Asia pictured Xavier on one of its stamps, Scott 607,
based on André Reinoso's painting (1619), St. Francis Xavier Calming
a Storm at Sea,
which is at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa / Museu de São
Roque, Lisbon, Portugal
PANAMA, 1988, Christmas issue, Scott 753
This painting by an unknown master shows the Virgin with Ignatius to the left
and Xavier to the right.
BOLIVIA, 1993 Christmas issue, Xavier is at the bottom right in this painting
of the Virgin and Child with Saints, Scott 901F.
This stamp also appears imperforate on the souvenir sheet below.
BOLIVIA, 1994, Xavier and Ignatius stamp (Scott 901F) on this special sheet [Michel B211]
ST VINCENT & GRENADINES, 1993, a bicentennial of the Louvre souvenir
sheet, Scott 1779h
(one of very many issued by various countries in the same format)
shows this detail from Poussin's The Miracle of St. Francis Xavier (also
In 1641 Poussin received a commission from Sublet de Noyers, superintendent of the Royal Factories of Louis XIII, to paint a great picture for the high altar of the Jesuit novitiate. It is, in fact, the largest work executed by Poussin: Saint Francis Xavier returning to the life the daughter of an inhabitant of Kagoshima in Japan. Near the saint, the Jesuit brother Juan Fernández (also seen in the stamps below), moved by the miracle, falls to his knees and lifts his face to the sky. Each member of the family shows a different feeling: pain, gratitude, surprise.
MACAO, 1993, Scott 705, and PORTUGAL, 1993, Scott 1965
The 450th anniversary of the arrival of Portuguese in Japan.
a detail of a screen Portuguese Carrack at Japanese
These religious are presumably the three Jesuit missionaries: St. Francis Xavier, Brother Juan Fernández, and Father Cosme de Torres, who left together from Goa for Japan on 17 April, 1549. They reached Japan on July 27, 1549 but went ashore at the city of Kagoshima in Japan only on 15 August 1549. Interestingly, the postmark below marks the 400th anniversary of his arrival in Japan on May 25, 1949 (the 24th year of the Showa Era), the same date that General Douglas MacArthur made a statement in Tokyo "on the 400th anniversary of St. Francis Xavier's pilgrimage to Japan."
VATICAN, 16 March 2006, the triple Jesuit Jubilee year, Scott 1324
PORTUGAL, 2006, the 500th anniversary of Xavier's birth: two individual
stamps and a souvenir sheet, Scott 2806-08
The Indians are portrayed as North American Indians, a common error at
one time.
COLOMBIA, 2006, the 500th anniversary of Xavier's birth, Scott
beside the statue of Xavier is the entrance to the Pontifical
Xaverian University in Bogotá,
the inscription over the door reads 1623 Sapientia aedificavit sibi
domum (1623 Wisdom has built herself a house).
ITALY, 2006, the 5th centenary of the birth of St. Francis
Xavier, Scott 2771
with details from André Reinoso, The Miracle of Saint Francis
Xavier (1619)
at the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Lisboa / Museu de São
Roque, Lisbon, Portugal
The design on this Italian stamp is inspired by Reinoso's painting to its right. The painting illustrates a legendary miracle: St. Francis raising a dead person to life in Sri Lanka. As with the companion stamp of St. Ignatius, the design represents the saint with two others while ignoring other elements of the original, including here the deceased.
SPAIN, 2006, the 500th anniversary of Xavier's birth, Scott 3460
Spain used the Salaverría painting as it did in 1952.
In the background is a 19th-century Japanese painting of Xavier arriving
in Kagoshima
(the editing has cleverly concealed the stain on the original).
PHILIPPINES, 2006, the 50th anniversary of Xavier
School in the Philippines and the 500th of Xavier's birth, Scott 3049d
The stamp shows a bronze statue of Xavier by Virginia Ty-Navarro cast
to mark the school's 20th year on its San Juan campus.
MACAO, 2006, the Society of Jesus issue, Scott 1206, 1209, with its FDI cancel
With its "Society of Jesus" issue of 4 stamps and a souvenir sheet containing a fifth, Macao marked various anniversaries, including the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Francis Xavier, the first Jesuit to set foot on Chinese soil, even if he did not reach mainland China for which he was heading. Macao was awarded for this issue the 2007 St. Gabriel Award for the Best Religious Stamps.
AUSTRALIA, 2006, personalized label se-tenant with an Australian
stamp, Scott 2426
sponsored by Xavier College, Melbourne, Victoria to celebrate the Three Companions Jubilee of 2006.
The label shows two views of the school and two images of Xavier.
THE PHILIPPINES, 2008, the 75th anniversary of Xavier
University, Cagayan de Oro City,
also featuring a statue of Xavier on the grounds of the university
BELGIUM, 2006, two personalized labels, creations of Fr. Roland
Francart, SJ, Belgium,
for the Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier, and Faber,
showing them with St. Alberto Hurtado, the
seal of the Society and a logo of the Jubilee, one se-tenant with
Scott 2111
the second se-tenant with a 2007 stamp
BELGIUM, personalized labels created by Fr. Roland Francart, SJ,
for the Jubilee of Loyola, Xavier, and Faber, se-tenant with a 2007
SPAIN, 2007, three personalized stamps designed
by Francisco Javier Martínez Malpartida
with a face value of "A" which is the national rate, show Xavier taking leave of his family to study in Paris, the Xavier
castle and coat of arms,
the portrait of Xavier, and of the King John III of Portugal who send
Xavier to the Indies.
There are also envelopes and post cards to accompany these stamps, examples
of which are below.